Saturday, March 24, 2012

On flight WIFI

Hello from 10,000 feet! I am currently on my flight from Santa Ana to Savannah by way of Atlanta and they have wireless Internet on the plane! I have been on flights with WIFI before, but this is the first time that I have experienced it first hand and, I gotta say, I feel pretty fancy. Me and my iPad have caught up on some reading, listened to Pandora and now, getting some blogging in! I feel like I'm living in the future. "WELCOME TO THE 90'S, MISTA BANKS."

This morning was a little rocky, as leaving Newport always is, but I learned today that saying goodbye is easier when you are traveling with friends who are funny and can quickly distract. This is a much more favorable option to saying goodbye and then having to sit in the terminal alone with only your grande vanilla latte and memories of a wonderful childhood to console you. Believe me: its brutal. Yeah, maybe I did have a moment of weakness with some soggy eyes and delicate whimpers when my mommy gave me one last hug, but I would say that today went fairly well in comparison to other goodbyes. There were no sympathetic stares from strangers or snarky jabs from unfriendly security guards. A welcomed change.

Claire and I are sitting together in row 38 and we just finished watching 3 episodes of our new favorite show, Shark Tank. It's addicting. We are also polishing off the bag of snicker doodle cookies that I forced my mom to drive 20 minutes out of the way buy me when we were at the mall yesterday. They are also quite addicting. Apparently, I was enjoying our time more than Claire because she is zonked out on the tray table next to me. A few minutes ago the gentleman sitting next to her tapped her on the shoulder to offer her a blanket and it startled her from her slumber so she whacked him in the arm. It was awkward. I was laughing. They were not. Pictures later.

Spencer is in row 21 in dreaded seat E. AKA the middle seat. I hope she's alive. Floghts alone can change a person. Only time will tell.

Well, that's all for now. A whole Spring break wrap up is on the horizon later this weekend, but Claire is awake now and hungry for more Shark and snicker doodles. It's like traveling with a baby: Eating, sleeping, and hitting the passengers around her when she gets grumpy.

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. Juj I completely understand the airport sadness that is both awkward and horrible. When your eyes are all swollen and your nose is running and you are trying to speak to the necessary airport people an it's vey obvious you are crying. I'm happy this time was a better experience for you(: love you!
