Monday, October 24, 2011

Things to do in Shakespeare that are More Important Than Shakespeare.

Confession: I am sitting in Shakespeare and I am not listening. 

I love Professor Tate with his bright red face and pastel colored shirts, and his Shakespeare class is something that I truly do look forward to every Monday and Wednesday, but today, there are more pressing matters that are making it hard... to... focusss... 

For one thing, IT is back. The dreaded registration week. You guys know how I feel about this. Don't you remember last year? And the sheer panic that takes over me when the big moment arrives? 

My time ticket is for Wednesday and typically by this time I have a list of my top choices for classes, and a plan B... and usually a plan C and D, if I'm being honest. But this quarter... I have nothing. Part of me is not worried about it because due to my earlier registration time, I should have no problem getting into the classes that I want. But I still have to do some research on teachers so I don't end up with any crazies. Especially because next quarter I am biting the bullet and taking four classes. Scout's honor. 

Also on the agenda, I must pay my bills, make a grocery list and respond to a bunch of e-mails that have been piling up for the last few weeks. 

The to-do list cannot get any longer. I refuse. It must stop today.  

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