Monday, August 6, 2012


Do you ever discover something, love it, sort of, kind of, completely forget about it, and then re-discover it only to find that you love it even more than you ever thought possible at the beginning?

This happens to me a lot. Sometimes with restaurants. Mostly with certain family members, but at this time, it's with Pinterest.

I'm always the last one at the party for cool things that everybody else was obsessed with months ago (like my sudden obsession with Mumford and Sons in late June of this year), but I do have to say that I was one of the first pioneers of Pinterest. Mhhmm. I basically invented Pinterest. Or at least with my friends, anyway.

I oohed and ahhed at the cool antiqu-ey photos, saved all the links for the World's Best Brownie Recipes and had a major ah-ha moment with the wonders of the 75 different crafts to be made out of twisty ties, but then, like so many, I got sick of the thin-spo pics and cheesy quotes. And the sight of any hot pink themed wedding where the bridal party wore hot pink cowboy boots and the groomsmen wore hot pink Stetsons made me feel physically nauseous. So I let my love for Pinterest fade. And then die.

But, I realize now that back then, I was so young and naive and I didn't quite grasp the genius of it all! I loved it, but didn't get what I was supposed to do with it. Like following people. Or re-pinning. Or cutting out all the gross stuff and just looking at pics that me and my super classy friends liked. And then, this summer of long days of work with copious amounts of web surfing time hit and I thought I'd give old Pinty another try. And by golly, like a fine wine, it has gotten better with age.

It's so fun! And pretty! And handy! And I'm pinning like a mad woman! (but not too much. I am a very selective pinner).

I mean, I know pinterest is soooo 2011, but I like it today. And that's good enough for me and the Mumfords.  

PS- You can follow me here.

PPS- I'm fine. Thank you for all the concerned texts.

(Image via Modern Hepburn)

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