Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Oh me oh my.

I miss this. I miss sitting down and spilling it all. Typing and laughing to myself, but feeling like I'm laughing with you all too.

Do you ever have those kinds of friends that you are so, so close with and then through life, things change (the way life has a way of way too easily pulling off) and then it's like a Wednesday and you're in line at Starbucks you see something that reminds you of that person? So, you want to text them, but you wonder if in the time between way back when you were friends and now, this very moment, at Starbucks, you've somehow changed the truth of what your friendship once was-- you've polished it and put it on the top shelf of the trophy case-- and you feel like sending a text would be so random and weird and embarrassing. And, I mean, worst, worst, case scenario, they probably deleted your number from their phone. 'Sorry, who is this? Sorry-- I got a new phone and all of my contacts got deleted.' Ugh. I can't even... So you don't text them to tell them about the thing you just saw that made you think of them-- something you would have done impulsively a while ago.

About 75% of the time I don't send that text. But then 25% of the time, I do. And I don't think there has been one time that I've regretted sending that text.

Today, I'm sending that text.


It's me.

It's been a while.

But I saw something today at Starbucks that reminded me of you.

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