Sunday, June 6, 2010

June 10th

In a few short days, my lovely family and I will be boarding a flight to the magical lands across the ocean that we call Europe to celebrate my grandma's 80th birthday! 18 crazy Americans are about to land in Amsterdam trying to hit up everything their culture has to offer (without really hitting up everything their culture has to offer, if you know what I mean...) then we are boarding a cruise down the Rhine River through Germany and Switzerland.
I can't wait, but right now all I can think about is what I am going to pack. Kaitlin and I have made a pact to be generous in sharing all of our clothes with each other so we have a more varied wardrobe without having to go buy new stuff before we go. Also, we both want to wear lots of skirts and dresses. I'm going for a look that says something like "O, yes. I summer in Europe." And also throw in a little Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday (Maybe I'll even find me a Gregory Peck while I'm over there). So, the packing begins. Hopefully we can pull this off without any major tiffs....and anyone who has spent anytime with Kaitlin and I knows this is not an easy task. Wish us luck!

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